4 Online Resources Real Estate Professionals Can Benefit From
4 Online Resources Real Estate Professionals Can Benefit From
Using the right online resources can help you improve your lead generation and real estate practices. Here are 4 of the best online resources you can benefit from.
Make Virtual Meetings a Breeze with a Listing Presentation Deck
Have a virtual meeting coming up? Realtor.com offers a professionally designed, customizable presentation template you can use for your next listing appointment! The template allows you to highlight your specific online marketing strategies, show statistics on buying habits, and integrate slides into your corporate listing presentation.
Utilize Accounting Software Made Exclusively for Real Estate Agents
Spend more time generating leads and less time on administrative tasks. Tracking your expenses, entering data, doing your taxes— it can all become such a headache! But using Realtyzam can speed up the process.
Their software is made specifically for real estate agents, stripping out all the parts of generic tax software that you don’t need and optimizing your experience to make real estate accounting easier and faster. You can set up Realtyzam to connect with your bank and automatically update and categorize your transactions. The software can also generate the reports you need for quarterly and year-end taxes in seconds.
Find Business Building Resources on NAR
Looking for more resources? Every month, the National Association of Realtors posts new tools, products, and resources for realtors as part of their “Right Tools, Right Now” initiative. For example, in April, “Right Tools, Right Now” focused on must-have tools for understanding and adhering to Fair Housing regulations. Realtors who sign up receive free brochures and videos related to fair housing as well as a discount on a fair housing pocket guide and handbook.
Get Connected to The Haitian Community with Haitian Realty
Interested in better serving the Haitian community with their real estate needs? Haitian Realty is the United States’ only Haitian real estate professionals directory and can help you connect with home buyers and sellers in your area. When you register, you’ll not only be expanding your client base but also ensuring that Haitian families have the necessary tools to purchase their next home. You can register a Haitian real estate professional here.